Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Started on #14 tonight

While at Anna's soccer practice, I decided to work on some of my 5-year list. If it were a game, I'd be cheering and jumping up and down from the sidelines...but in practice, I'd look a bit odd doing that while she ran drills. And she'd disown me if I did. So I sat in the shade and made a list of books I wanted to write. The setting wasn't very conducive to actually starting the books. Or an outline for a book. Given the fact that I didn't have a computer or notebook with me kind of hindered that. So...on to another goal. Lucky for me, I have a list of 14 other things that I can work on. Ideally, I'd knock out #7 or #10 this week, but alas, I haven't had a chance to work on that vacation fund just yet. And besides, I still need to accomplish #2, so those items will just have to wait.

I had my phone, so I downloaded the Bible Gateway app and poked around on it. Lo and behold, there was a section for "Reading Plans," and in that section was "New Testament in a Year." What a fabulous tool! I can read a passage every day (and can even set a daily reminder), and in a year, I will have finished the entire New Testament. When I opened the plan, today's excerpt was 1 Corinthians, Chapter 4. I'm no Bible scholar, but I was pretty sure that wasn't the beginning of the New Testament. It took me awhile, but I figured out that if I just set the date to January 1, 2013, it started with Matthew. I'm a freakin' genius! :)

To make it even more interesting, I can choose between 30 versions of the Bible. So if I'm reading the NIV, and I have no idea what I've been reading for the last two paragraphs (which happens quite often...I'm not really a genius), I can switch to the Message version that explains things in a story-like way. And if mine doth feels so inclined, I can take a peek at the King James version. I don't necessarily understand it, but it stretches my brain a bit. Kind of like reading the Spanish version of an instruction booklet when putting a toy together.

So day 1 of reading the New Testament is complete...just 364 more, and I can mark off that goal! And more importantly, I hope to learn to be more like Jesus along the way.


  1. New Testament in a year? Piece of cake! I did it in four months while also being a literature major and working part time. It's a wonder I didn't go blind from reading during college. ;P But seriously, I was a religion minor in college, and I have some wonderful supplemental reference books for the New Testament, plus I still have all my notebooks from lecture. If you would like to borrow any of them to supplement your reading, just ask! So glad you're tackling your bucket list!

  2. I Corinthians wouldn't have been a bad place to start. I believe it's my favorite book of the Bible. I haven't done much extended reading of the Bible since I've been a full-fledged adult, mostly devotional stuff. Perhaps a full out read and study should be on my to-do list.

  3. I'm glad you didn't start with the 'write a book'. Your list made me tired just thinking about accomplishing all of those. This is a great place to start to give you the endurance to complete your bucket list. Keep writing, friend!
